Therefore, we focus on taking action in pursuit of a sustainable future. We want to grow, taking care of people and the planet, since, economic growth, needs to be accompanied by social development and environmental care.
We believe that a change in the business’ mindset is essential and that triple impact must guide all our actions.
Sustainable management
Our Sustainable Strategy intends to enhance our value through actions that allow us to take care of the present so as to ensure our future.
That is why two big workstreams were defined: the environmental management and the Corporate Social Responsibility programs.
Environmental management:
In our mid-term strategic plan, we are incorporating new technologies in order to reduce the consumption of nonrenewable energy sources.
We seek to minimize waste generation and we classify and separate it depending on its origin.
We control gas emissions through a control program that monitors air quality to verify environmental legal compliance and to keep under control the emission of flue gas and particulate materials into the atmosphere.
We develop a system to treat industrial and sewage effluents efficiently and to comply with all existing legislation on this matter.
We take action to minimize water and gas consumption for manufacturing.
Dangerous waste is treated differently, not only to reduce its generation but also to dump it safely.
We organize environmental protection awareness workshops.
We endorse the use of native forestal species, which help maintain healthy soil, avoiding erosion and excessive water consumption.
Actions with a social and economic impact on our community
Through our University Scholarship Program launched in 2018, we give the opportunity to young people from our community to study in Universities.
We collaborate with different artistic and cultural activities in the community –we organize drawing contests, support the Theatre’s Week, help the Child-Youth Musical Band from Alcira’s community–
We promote reading, working along with the Local Public Library to make books available for our employees.
We develop “win-win” relations with the Local Hospital and the Local Volunteer Fire Station in order to keep a healthy and safe work environment as well as a community with institutions prepared to respond to emergencies.
We collaborate with AFULIC, a known NGO that investigates the development of therapeutic vaccines to treat different types of cancer.